Monday 11 June 2012

Kitchen Updates

to date, i have cooked a couple of meals :) i'm giving myself a big pat on the shoulder only because i left singapore without any official cooking lessons from the mother. but i must say, 'unofficial cooking lessons' which took place throughout my entire life helped a whole lot! by that i mean i was fortunate enough to live in a household which pretty much 'abused' the kitchen especially during the festive season!

mind you, do not underestimate the value of those times your mother came home from marketing, cut vegetables/meat, mixed condiments in the kitchen etc. we find ourselves guilty of shutting the door fearing bedsheets, clothes would catch the smell of ayam percik or kuah assam but luckily i didn't do too much of that ;)

kitchen staples

so fast forward to today as i find myself in my own kitchen here in a german-speaking land (praying i bought the right stuff), the aromas and whatever memory i had glancing into the kitchen every now and then does help a lot in the (guess) work i did. recipe books are good guides (read: guides) but for some reason, you always find yourself adding/subtracting ingredients. so apart from the guidance of madhur jaffrey via her cookbooks, mom's kitchen (and hopefully culinary-skill genes) will be my best bet to satisfy the mr's tummy!

i'm aiming to master about seven dishes before we plan a housewarming party ;) hopefully it will still be summer by then heh.


  1. well written but to be honest you will only know if you have mastered your 7 dishes if you invite guests and they give compliments!!! So without being direct I am open for invitations and be a good critic :)

    If your food is anything like your cupcakes then I am sure the food is delicious.....glad to be the 1st one to comment!!!

  2. don't worry i will send out guinea pig forms soon for volunteers to participate in my cooking experiments ;)
